UHF Laundry tunnelRFID reading system thought for a MOP counting with radiofrequency reading

In 2013 a new laundry tunnel of the series RFID UTN xx has been launched on the market. This is a radiofrequency reading system working on a UHF band. This laundry tunnel is a big sized UHF reading devices characterized by resilience, reliability and capability in UHF cloth labels reading.
Our RFID portal can identify with very reliability, quickly and automatically more items with RFID tags.
Idnova, thanks to its more than 10 years experience, can devise, design and realise RFID personalised solutions that can answer to your needs.
Our RFID standard tunnel size is: internal width 90cm, external width 120cm, height 210cm and depth 160cm. This tunnel are thought to Mop counting.
Idnova R&D has developed a new solution combo which allows UHF tags reading very close among them and in water (damp clothes).
The reading system detects RFID device on every item which has to be counted.
This kind of product counts efficaciously and gives maximus efficiency in automatic moist Mop counting of cleaning companies and industrial laundries.
User saves time and resources, which were used for counting clothes.
Mop counting tunnel has an easy and intuitive user interface. Just by positioning the carriage into the tunnel detecting data are collected and they will be seen on a touch monitor in the side. Interacting with the system through the monitor allows a dialogue with the tunnel system calling off every possible mistake through preset inputs.
Every motorised version is provided with photocell and specific side shelters.
“There is someone who counts on your work, We help you to count”.
- Automatic counting makes you saving time.
- It is easy to manage it.
- It fits to big sized carriages.
- It is realiable even when RFID labels are a lot and very close among them.
- Reliable either with dry cloth or moist one.