IDnova an RFID Specialists
Case History

Project Teseo
Smart Parking
The TESEO project is a tender of the Tuscany Region aiming to identify technologically advanced measures to tackle traffic criticalities and in particular to search for parking using a system based on innovative optical sensors, cameras and RFID sensors that interact via the web and smart device systems of operators and users.

Poste Italiane
Italian mail service asset tracking
Item tracking with position and conditions check, configuration and number. Passive UHF RFID Tags Technology.

Padova Tre
Waste collection management
Door-to-door recyclables collection with proportioned fee based on the quantity of waste produced. Active 2.45 GHz tags and "hands free" system: automatic reading without the operator's intervention.

Waste collection management
Detection of the actual garbage can emptying to report the supplied service. Manufacturing of the RFID reader for the report of the operations. Creation of a customized firmware to read the garbage can's ID for Puliamiente, association with time stamp and log. Software development to download the data.

Contarina Spa
Management raccolta rifiuti
Waste collection management
Waste collection management
Omnidirectional UHF antennas installation in waste collection vehicles.

Patrizia Pepe
Production control, logistics, anti-shoplifting.
Entire production of UHF RFID passive tags for 2.000.000 items of clothing per year.

G8 Roma
Access tracking
Real time monitoring of the accesses, security reinforcement for the identification of the access authorizations, with maximum level of security (encryption information in radio frequency) and reliability (detection of the direction of crossing).<br />

Presences control
Active tags system to link the video clips to the automatically filmed user.