Hands Free
IDN Hands Free is an innovative tool to realize accesses control and gate opening systems.
IDnova, 20-year-old leader in the development and creation of RFID products, realized Smart systems, that make possible to interact with the most advanced home automation and electronic systems.
How it works
Each authorized user receives a special RFID tag. The gate opening system is linked to a compact IDN HandsFree reading unit. When the user with the tag approaches the gate, the unit automatically activates the procedure of opening or lifting of the bar. It is possible to define the users or group of users that have different authorizations based on time slots.
- Comfortable: as it’s programmed also for long-distance readings, it reduces wasted time.
- Simple: no operations are required by the user using the Hands Free system.
- Safe: based on IDN24 Technology, it is harmless for people’s health, and does not affect other devices in the same place.
- Customizable for specific needs
- Totally discreet and not invasive for the staff.
- Compact: it is equipped with a strong small case.
- Wi-Fi connection: Android app available to control the reading system.
Main functions
- Automatic opening of the gate.
- Software for the management of the enabled users and the time slots.
- Access control functionality.
- Fitted for advanced functions like:
- remote alarms;
- video surveillance activation;
- reports;
- light and audio signals.
Hands Free system is scalable and customizable: in any moment there will be the possibility to add a number of tags, change the shape or size of the tags to respond to specific needs, pass from one to multiple reading units, or to integrate the data management in a dedicated system.