Logistic LabelLogistic RFID Label

etichette rfid per la logistica box logistic label
UHF RFID label for logistics, they can be affixed on different kind of materials as, for example, wood, paper, glass and plastic.

Logistic label is an UHF label, it can be used either indoor or outdoor and it can be made of different materials. According to application different kind of adhesive, materials and application technologies can be chosen. It can be either neutral white or colour printed, its size can change and a customised graphic can be added.

UHF Logistic label is available for remote reading. The chance of choice among hundreds of combos of antenna and chip increases the already high performances of the label. It is delivered either in roll or in fanfold.

IDnova provides more than 15 years of successful RFID system installations and synergetic cooperation of adhesive and material experts, electromagnetic propagation experts and RFID hardware developers. To make sure you will have the best performance Firmware can be customised and Software Embedded and Middleware are available too.


  • Logistics
  • Shippings
  • Storages
  • Large scale retail trade
  • Flow management
etichette rfid per la logistica logistic label
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